Saturday, December 23, 2006

Zack's 100k Challenge

I just signed up for the free contest. The challenge starts at Jan. 2, 2007 and ends Dec. 31, 2007. You start with 100k.

At year-end, our distinguished panel of Zacks judges will review the top 100 players to select a winner. The player with the best combination of stock picking performance and Player Blog popularity will become a featured newsletter editor for with a $100,000 yearly salary.

I think this is a great marketing strategy. The top ranked pickers will also be posting their ideas and strategies in the Player Blog on Zack's website. It will be interesting to see some of the ideas and methods of the leaders.


Trading Goddess said...

Good luck to you! :)

Here is my take on it.

Anonymous said...

Good Luck and get that job OneBadtrade.

Anonymous said...

Hey OBT-

I'm managing the contest on the Zacks side (the blogs and promotion- Investopedia handles the trading engine). Glad to see you're giving it a go.

You write very well on your blog, so I'm sure you'd do well in the contest if you clear the first hurdle. All it takes is one good month of trades to get an invitation to blog on, so good luck!

Card Counting said...

It seems to me, you are right

About Me

I have been trading for 5 years. It took close to a year before I became profitable. I find that I am improving gradually each year. My method of choice is scalping. My edge lies in tape reading NYSE stocks and staying on the side of the specialist. That is the method I learned when I started. As I build up my capital I will try new styles and trade new markets. In late 2006 my trading hit a rough patch after the introduction of the NYSE Hybrid system. For most of 2007, I have been on a search for new strategies that would help me adapt to the market.