Friday, April 13, 2007

Down $112

Just when I gain some confidence I take a step back again. At least now I think I know what I am doing wrong. Next week I just have to keep my discipline.



Product Reviews said...

Why the day trading instead of long-term investing?

OBAT said...

To me trading is the best job out there. I like the challenge and unlimited income potential.

About Me

I have been trading for 5 years. It took close to a year before I became profitable. I find that I am improving gradually each year. My method of choice is scalping. My edge lies in tape reading NYSE stocks and staying on the side of the specialist. That is the method I learned when I started. As I build up my capital I will try new styles and trade new markets. In late 2006 my trading hit a rough patch after the introduction of the NYSE Hybrid system. For most of 2007, I have been on a search for new strategies that would help me adapt to the market.